Eleonora Buratto
is one of the most highly acclaimed
lyric sopranos in the world.
Eleonora Buratto has emerged onto the international opera stage as “the most precious and complete soprano that the Italian school has produced in recent years” (Il Foglio, 2022).
Her interpretations are seen as a point of reference in a repertoire that ranges from Belcanto to Puccini. Her career progression has been gradual but unstoppable, from her start as Creusa in Demofoonte conducted by Riccardo Muti, to her leading roles in recent years in the most prestigious theatres worldwide: Donizetti’s Anna Bolena and Maria Stuarda, Elisabetta in Don Carlo and Desdemona in Otello by Verdi, Puccini’s Madama Butterfly, Suor Angelica and Tosca.

“…As Butterfly must, Buratto sang with warmth and dignity as she offered a benediction of sorts on Pinkerton’s wife, bidding her to be happy. In Cio-Cio-San’s final outburst of passion and grief, Tu? Tu? Piccolo iddio!, Buratto’s voice blazed magnificently.”
(Rick Perdian, New York Classical Review 2022)
…Anna Bolena is definitively a role that suits Buratto’s voice perfectly at this point in her career.”
(Mauricio Villa, Operawire 2022)
“Sung by the soprano Eleonora Buratto, her tone lucid and suave from crystalline top to chocolaty bottom, Alice Ford — the voice of stylish wisdom — was as much the star as Falstaff.”
(Zachary Woolfe, The New York Times 2016)
“Con la Mimí de la joven soprano italiana, Eleonora Buratto, vino la primera y grata sorpresa de este equipo, pues su rol-debut es de los que se recordarán en Barcelona. Alumna de Pavarotti, Buratto, sorprende por la calidad y material noble de su instrumento, bien esmaltado, de canto fácil, tesitura amplia, color terso y sobretodo un ángel vocal que convierten su Mimí en un goce de los sentidos por la adecuación técnica y una naturalidad en su canto que desarman y enamoran a la par al oyente.”
(Jordi Maddaleno, Platea Magazine 2016)
“Auf ähnlichem Weltklasseniveau bewegt sich die Angelica von Eleonora Buratto, die mit weiter Ausdruckspalette singt.”
(Martin Gasser, Kleine Zeitung Steiermark 2023)
“Micaela, another noticeable character of the opera, touched everyone’s feelings not only because of this character’s clean and sincere soul, but also by the clean and sincere vocal of Eleonora Buratto, the world known Italian soprano.”
(Natalia Dagenhart, Chicago City Wire 2017)
“Comme l’avait montré sa Comtesse des Noces à Amsterdam, Eleonora Buratto est l’une des très grandes mozartiennes d’aujourd’hui, et il était grand temps que le festival d’Aix l’accueille ; elle explore avec bonheur toutes les facettes de Donna Anna, aussi précise dans la vocalisation qu’ardente dans l’expression.”
(Laurent Bury, Forum Opéra 2017)
“…As Butterfly must, Buratto sang with warmth and dignity as she offered a benediction of sorts on Pinkerton’s wife, bidding her to be happy. In Cio-Cio-San’s final outburst of passion and grief, Tu? Tu? Piccolo iddio!, Buratto’s voice blazed magnificently.”
(Rick Perdian, New York Classical Review 2022)
…Anna Bolena is definitively a role that suits Buratto’s voice perfectly at this point in her career.”
(Mauricio Villa, Operawire 2022)
“Sung by the soprano Eleonora Buratto, her tone lucid and suave from crystalline top to chocolaty bottom, Alice Ford — the voice of stylish wisdom — was as much the star as Falstaff.”
(Zachary Woolfe, The New York Times 2016)
“Con la Mimí de la joven soprano italiana, Eleonora Buratto, vino la primera y grata sorpresa de este equipo, pues su rol-debut es de los que se recordarán en Barcelona. Alumna de Pavarotti, Buratto, sorprende por la calidad y material noble de su instrumento, bien esmaltado, de canto fácil, tesitura amplia, color terso y sobretodo un ángel vocal que convierten su Mimí en un goce de los sentidos por la adecuación técnica y una naturalidad en su canto que desarman y enamoran a la par al oyente.”
(Jordi Maddaleno, Platea Magazine 2016)
“Auf ähnlichem Weltklasseniveau bewegt sich die Angelica von Eleonora Buratto, die mit weiter Ausdruckspalette singt.”
(Martin Gasser, Kleine Zeitung Steiermark 2023)
“Micaela, another noticeable character of the opera, touched everyone’s feelings not only because of this character’s clean and sincere soul, but also by the clean and sincere vocal of Eleonora Buratto, the world known Italian soprano.”
(Natalia Dagenhart, Chicago City Wire 2017)
“Comme l’avait montré sa Comtesse des Noces à Amsterdam, Eleonora Buratto est l’une des très grandes mozartiennes d’aujourd’hui, et il était grand temps que le festival d’Aix l’accueille ; elle explore avec bonheur toutes les facettes de Donna Anna, aussi précise dans la vocalisation qu’ardente dans l’expression.”
(Laurent Bury, Forum Opéra 2017)
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